Bella striking a pose:

So she's going in for surgery on Wednesday morning. It's a very common and safe procedure. I hope my puppy comes back healthy and in less pain. I'm sure it'll take some time for her incision to heal but it'll be better than those stones.
Bella keeping watch at the front door:

The surgery is going to cost a lot. She's very much worth it, but I still was hoping it wouldn't cost so damn much. It'll set back my house down payment fund a little bit.
Bella looking pretty in pink:

I got a flat tire on Sunday. I took it to Firestone where they were able to fix it instead of replacing the tire. Cost $20 instead of the $160. Yeah on at least this savings!
My home computer had a virus last week. Chris was able to clean it off, and lots of other adware stuff, but there is still obviously something on there, slowing it down and making it incredibly hard to work on. I have to get it fixed soon. School is fixing to start, plus I still have contract work to do. I've asked a friend of ours if he'd be interested in helping me get it clean. I'd rather pay him than take it to a big company where they'd lose my pc or something.
My Grand Prix's driver's side window motor broke last week. I've taped up the window with packing tape so it doesn't slide down (very ghetto). Someone is supposed to come fix it tonight ($160... wait, I thought I just saved that much at the tire store!!!).
Just when I start saving up money 'life happens' and it all gets taken away. Oh well. My goal is still there and I will keep moving towards it until I have the money to put down on a house.
In other good news I went with Annie to the Bridal Exchange. What an incredibly 'bridal' place. I loved the cakes, and all the dresses, and so much pretty stuff to look at. It was kind of fun.
And Derion had his first basketball game. I got to watch him steal the ball from the other team, run down court and score! It was awesome. My niece and nephew are blessing in my life.
I also got to spend time with my adopted niece Marta on Sunday also. She came over, and I didn't know what we could do... so I pulled out a canvas and helped her get started on her very own masterpiece. She finished it and was so proud of herself. She really loved the way it turned out, and so do I. She was able to look at a piece of art for inspiration then start painting on her own. I know how to keep her entertained at my house now!
Poor Bella, and poor you, with unexpected expenses! I'm worried that will happen to me alot now that my car is paid off.
I'm sorta jealous that you got to bridal shop with my favorite derby girl.
aw, i hope bella is feeling better soon!
life is always conspiring to take my money away. bah. but i'm sure you can stay focused and come out ahead! good luck!
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