It's been a week since Bella's surgery, and she is back to normal. Her stitches are healing up nicely, and she's back to running circles and barking and wanting to play a lot. Thank God I was able to pay for it, and get it done quickly. I would have stressed out until it was done... but now it's done and all is good. She's on a new prescription dog food that she loves. Not sure how much it will cost to feed her now, but this food should prevent any reoccurring stones from forming.
My car window has been fixed. The motor broke and a friend of Chris' came out to my work and fixed it last week. He accidentally switched some wires though, and now I push up to roll my window down, and down to roll it up. Ha. Not very funny. He's supposed to fix it soon. At least it's up when the weather is cold.
I got to help Annie pick out a wedding dress. Annie, Rachael, me, and her mom when to a bridal store and she tried on about twelve dresses. This was her third trip out to a dress store. When she put the one on, she started crying and knew it was the one. She tried on the rest, but kept that one out. It's perfect and beautiful. I'm glad I was there to help... it was fun too.
On Saturday I took my nephew Derion (9), his two friends (8 & 6), and my niece Marta (12) to the Monster Jam at Reliant. It was awesome. The kids loved it. They didn't like the ear plugs until I let them pull one out a little bit, then they all understood that it's freaking loud!! and they need those to protect their ears! Haha. The guy sitting next to me hit on me and asked me out for drinks after the show... I let him down easy :) I thought I was doing good on time, and got the kids out of the building right before the end to beat the rush... then I lost the car and we walked all the way around the Reliant looking for the car and took an hour to find it! The poor kids were exhausted. They all passed out when we got in the car. I dropped them off, then I didn't get home until midnight. I was going to go to the Derbyoke, but was worn out. I will know better than to plan two big events on top of each other.

Marta, Derion, Indiglo, and Matthew.

Me and Derion.

The Reliant was PACKED! Sold out and all seats were filled.

And this is Grave Digger! He's always the best.
My niece Drew is turning 4 and her birthday is at Chucky Cheese this Saturday! I'll be making her a big beautiful cake. Unfortunately her brother has a basketball game on Saturday, so I might have to leave early to take him to that. No worries though. It'll all work out.

Drew is getting to be such a big girl!
I registered and paid for two classes this semester. Geography 1303 online, and Physics I 2325 that starts Feb 14, and I have to go to that class at the Central Campus Tues and Thurs nights. I'm excited and nervous about both. I'm having to remind myself that I am smart and I can do these and make 'A''s. My main concern is that I'm over booking myself and won't be able to get everything done... but I am using my Google Calendar and staying on top of projects so I will be fine.
I'm still working on contract jobs in my 'spare' time. All the money made is going straight into savings for my house. There are no huge deadlines right now, thank goodness.
TED Talks is where really smart people give short talks to other really smart people. Al Gore has given really great talks (you can search for his talks on there). This one really spoke to me yesterday. I want to learn more about green construction, and possibly become a green engineer, if there is such a thing.
And this is after I met this lady who co-owns a development company here in Houston. I met her at a birthday party, she told me what she did, and I mentioned that I would love to get involved, and that I do AutoCAD and drafting, and to call me if they ever need anything and I'd be willing to even donate my time. Her partner called me last week and I met with him, saw their second home they've built, and have already drafted up his house, which will be their third.
It's a green development company. Here is their site, and some associated with them:
Here is what some other people are doing with containers:
This is more than coincidence. It's a beginning for me, I hope.
I am still very interested in crafting and design and decorating, and it feels like this type of construction is close to that type of creativity.
Always a busy girl I am. Oh, and I have done yoga at least once in the past week. Better than nothing!