A lot has happened since I last updated my blog. I've started using Facebook as my blogger... it kind of works. But a real blog is always better.
I took the summer off from school. It's given me lots of time to - float the river with friends, - canoe, - rearrange my home office/craft room, - teach my cousin how to draw CIS Alignment sheets (this is a true blessing. I do not have time to work on these jobs anymore, but they still need the work done. Turns out my cousin really needed the work himself.), -get back into yoga (www.joyyogacenter.com), - read my book club books, - craft day!, - lunches on Fridays, -more play time with my puppies, - vet and doctor visits, - tattoo work (slowly but surely finishing it), - announce more roller derby bouts, - movie dates with Chris, -spend extra time playing with my hair and makeup (it's fun!), - adding flower arrangements to the dinning table - help Annie with wedding details, - bachelorette party, - skating (finally dusting off the old skates), - playing the Viola again, - Facebook (I really do enjoy it), - just hanging out without any major deadlines or exams!
I am promising myself that even when school does start I will continue to try and stay relaxed. Not take on too much stuff, and remember that exercise is important too. Making time for yoga has made me feel wonderful.
And I still love my job. I am very blessed to work for an amazing group of men, and with a very nice woman. I get to do what I do, get paid well for it, and they support my school goal 100%. And Chris and I are very happy... we've had some bumpy spots along the road of life, but I can honestly say I feel like I've found the love of my life. *Insert sappy music*